Junior Faculty + Research Scientists
- James BuszkiewiczUniversity of Michigan
- James Buszkiewicz
- University of Michigan: Research Investigator, Epidemiology
- Roles: Junior Faculty, New Investigator
- Webpage: sph.umich.eduUM Experts: experts.umich.edu
- Steve CookUniversity of Michigan
- Steve Cook
- University of Michigan: Assistant Research Scientist, Epidemiology
- Roles: New Investigator, Trainee
- Webpage: sph.umich.edu
- Mona IssabakhshGeorgetown University
- Mona Issabakhsh
- Georgetown University: Research Instructor
- Roles: Junior Faculty, New Investigator, Pilot PI, Pilot PI Alumni
- Pilot: tcors.umich.edu
Postdoctoral Research Fellows
- Yixian “Crystal” ChenBritish Columbia Cancer Research Institute
- Yixian “Crystal” Chen
- British Columbia Cancer Research Institute: Postdoctoral Fellow
- Roles: New Investigator, Trainee
- Clinton DurneyBritish Columbia Cancer Research Institute
- Clinton Durney
- British Columbia Cancer Research Institute: Postdoctoral Fellow
- Roles: New Investigator, Pilot PI, Trainee
- Pilot: tcors.umich.edu
- Reginald HebertYale University
- Reginald Hebert
- Yale University: Postdoctoral Associate
- Roles: New Investigator, Trainee
- Claire MaUniversity of Michigan
- Claire Ma
- University of Michigan: Postdoctoral Fellow
- Roles: New Investigator, Trainee
- Sarah SkolnickYale University
- Sarah Skolnick
- Yale University: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Roles: New Investigator, Trainee
- Travis WhitacreYale University
- Travis Whitacre
- Yale University: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Roles: New Investigator, Trainee
New Investigators + Trainees
- Christopher CadhamUniversity of Michigan
- Christopher Cadham
- University of Michigan: Doctoral Student
- Roles: New Investigator, Trainee
- Yameng LiGeorgetown University
- Yameng Li
- Georgetown University: Statistician
- Role: Trainee
- Yoonseo MokUniversity of Michigan
- Yoonseo Mok
- University of Michigan: Doctoral Student
- Roles: New Investigator, Trainee
- Akash PatelUniversity of Michigan
- Akash Patel
- University of Michigan: Research Area Specialist
- Roles: New Investigator, Trainee
- Nan ShiUniversity of Michigan
- Nan Shi
- University of Michigan: Research Assistant
- Role: Trainee
- Jiale TanUniversity of Michigan
- Jiale Tan
- University of Michigan: Doctoral Student
- Roles: New Investigator, Trainee
- Lauren TontiUniversity of Missouri
- Lauren Tonti
- University of Missouri: Public Health Law & Policy Analyst
- Roles: New Investigator, Trainee
- Rossana Torres AlvarezUniversity of British Columbia
- Rossana Torres Alvarez
- University of British Columbia: Doctoral Student
- Roles: New Investigator, Trainee
- Ke “Vicky” XuBritish Columbia Cancer Research Institute
- Ke “Vicky” Xu
- British Columbia Cancer Research Institute: Research Methodologist
- Roles: New Investigator, Trainee
- Zhe “Eugene” YuanGeorgetown University
- Zhe “Eugene” Yuan
- Georgetown University: Statistician
- Role: Trainee
- Luis ZavalaUniversity of Michigan
- Luis Zavala
- University of Michigan: Doctoral Student
- Roles: New Investigator, Pilot PI Alumni, Trainee
- Pilot: tcors.umich.edu