TCORS: Center for the Assessment of Tobacco Regulations (CAsToR)

Data Analysis and Modeling (DAM) Core

The Data Analysis and Modeling (DAM) Core is designed to provide data processing and analysis services to the four Center Projects, the Career Enhancement Pilot Projects, as well as to the TCORS Consortium, and the FDA Center for Tobacco Products (CTP). The DAM Core will ensure that there are uniformly high data collection and analysis standards, as well as consistent measures of tobacco use across research projects. The DAM Core will also provide the infrastructure for disseminating the resulting tobacco use parameters (product-specific prevalence, initiation and cessation rates, intensity of use by age, gender, year, and birth cohort), mortality rates by tobacco use status, and modeling tools and results.


  • Jihyoun Jeon, PhD, MS
    Jihyoun Jeon, PhD, MS
    University of Michigan
    Jihyoun Jeon, PhD, MS
    University of Michigan: Associate Research Scientist
    Position: Data Analysis and Modeling (DAM) Core
    Dr. Jihyoun Jeon is Project Lead for the Data Analysis and Modeling Core (DAM). She is an Associate Research Scientist in the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and a member of the Rogel Cancer Center’s Cancer Control and Population Sciences program. Her research interests focus on developing models based on biological and clinical mechanisms and statistical methods to evaluate the impact of risk factors on various cancers and improve cancer outcomes. The goal of these modeling efforts is to address important practical public health and clinical questions, such as the efficacy of screening to reduce cancer incidence/mortality, and assist public health policymakers in their decision process. Dr. Jeon has been a key investigator of the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network Lung Working Group (CISNET LWG) since 2008, working on the development and management of CISNET’s Smoking History Generator (SHG) and its data sources. She has also expanded her modeling expertise to tobacco regulatory science and served as co-lead of the Center for the Assessment of Tobacco Regulations (CAsToR) - Data Analysis and Dissemination (DAD) Core funded by FDA-NIH TCORS 2.0. Dr. Jeon has extensive experience with population data analysis, simulation modeling, and statistical analysis to explore various public health problems on tobacco and its related diseases.
  • Andrew F Brouwer, PhD, MS, MA
    Andrew F Brouwer, PhD, MS, MA
    University of Michigan
    Andrew F Brouwer, PhD, MS, MA
    University of Michigan: Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
    Position: Data Analysis and Modeling (DAM) Core
    Roles: Junior Faculty, New Investigator, Pilot PI Alumni
    Dr. Andrew Brouwer serves as a Lead for the Data Analysis and Modeling Core (DAM). He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and a member of the Rogel Cancer Center’s Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Program. Dr. Brouwer’s research focuses on mathematical and statistical modeling for inference in epidemiology, with the goal of making the most of data for the benefit of public health. He is an expert in methods that address questions of parameter identifiability, estimation, and uncertainty. Dr. Brouwer's research using multistate transition models has brought new insights to transitions between tobacco products.